Pictures of the 4-H Firearm Safety Class at Camp Conger on Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Vaughn and Paul placing the Target Rack.Inez, Paul & Vaughn placing a stationary targetThe Far targetThe varmint targetChuck Placing a targetFCL Instructors: Chuck, Paul, Inez, & VaughnIn the PavilionPaul & Vaughn explaining the four rules of Gun SafetySee the Safety Page for further informaionMore on the four safety rulesTypes of RiflesAnother type of rifleStill another type of RifleThe campers were very attentive.A lesson about the dominant eye.A method of determining your dominant eye.Still more dominant eyeeven moreBonnie Malone, the Huron County 4-H Educator demonstrates the proper procedureCampers photo of the left side of the pavilionCampers photo of the center section of the pavilionCampers photo of the right section of the pavilion.
After a wonderful noon lunch, we learned to safely fire the rifles. FYI: Over 1200 rounds were fired in the afternoon. A fun and safe time was had by all. And the kids were simply great!!!!!