Thirty Three (33) youth and parents come to the Fitchville Conservation League on Saturday the 25th of July for the Introduction to Archery class. A 30 minute safety lecture was held to begin the day. Then all 33 went the range for several hours of archery shooting. The class consisted of 6 different 3-D targets with 6 instructors one at each target.
It was amazing to see the accuracy and improvement to each youth’s shooting ability during the class. The parents participated in the archery shoot.
Many youths brought their own bows and after safety inspection were allowed to use them. Questions were answered by the volunteer instructors which ranged from a place to hunt, where to buy a bow, how and who to get work on a bow, and which way they should shoot right or left handed.
A big thanks to the 9 volunteers who came out and helped with the Introduction to Archery Class Tom Hall of Greenwich, an expert archer came and assisted with the program as well, A big thanks to him!!
The new DNR Wildlife Officer Nathan Kauffman came and observed the archery program as well as took time looking around the club, mingle with our parents and youths, and meeting with members.
A great day was had by all.