Wayne Kiser, Chuck Summers, Paul Bresson, and Vaughn Thomas conducted a Hunter Safety (Education) Class at the Fitchville Conservation League Clubhouse for 38 new hunters. The two day class includes instruction on all types of firearms and archery, ammunition selection for the firearms, and other hunting techniques. The class is required to obtain an Ohio Hunting license for youth.
Wayne starts the class
Paul, Chuck & Vaughn
A nice size Hunter Safety Class
Paul explains the parts of a revolver
Student Hunter Education Workbook
Chuck explains the ins and outs of muzzleloaders
Types of muzzleloaders.
Another lunch pix
Shotgun setup table
Rifle Target setup
Student shooting a .22 rifle.
Vaughn instructing student with a shotgun.
Discussing what can go wrong when crossing a fence while hunting
Rules of a deer driveBreak time
Break time
Review for the test
Review for the test
Chuck mounts the banner that Tom brought back from the fair booth
Almost ready for the test.
Hunter Education Class Photo- August 22 & 23, 2015
Hunter Education Instructors – Chuick Summers, Paul Bresson, Vaughn Thomas, Wayne Kiser