Another successful 3D Archery in the Woods – September 27, 2015

FCL hosted 20 Archers on Sunday, September 27th 2015.  Penny and Gary took care of the sign-in.  Breakfast for a donation was available.  Penny thought 20 was pretty good attendance considering Bow Season is here.  Thanks to the following for setup and teardown of the targets: Moesher, Romelfanger, Dunlap, Cunningham, Torgerson & Thomas


Mark & Secretary Penny man the sign-in station at the Sunday Shoot.
Gary Brandt & FCL Secretary Penny Rucker handled the sign-in station at the Sunday Shoot.


Breakfast was served for a donation.
Breakfast was served for a donation.


Archery Rigs
Archery Rigs


3DArchery20150517 -09
Station One


The Bear is the last of 30 3D Targets.
The Bear is the last of 30 3D Targets.