
Hunter Education

Our hunter education programs are designed for every age and ability. These free-to-the-public hunter education classes are brought to you by the Fitchville Conservation League and partially funded by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

Introduction to Handguns

This class will cover practices and procedures for safe handgun handling, home safety, range safety, and range etiquette and will also give you insight on how to purchase a handgun for Carry Conceal. This class includes live fire exercises on the range under the supervision of NRA Certified Instructors.

Ladies & Men’s Night Out

Learning to shoot a handgun can feel intimidating, especially for beginners. This class provides a stress-free, supportive environment to help you build confidence and skills. Our instructors recognize that everyone has a different comfort level and will work with you individually to help you achieve your goals.

Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class includes comprehensive firearm knowledge instruction, range time, and a test to qualify you to apply for your Ohio Concealed Handgun License.

Pistol Action Shooting​

Join us for an exciting and competitive Pistol Action Shooting class! Sharpen your handgun skills with valuable training while enjoying the thrill of friendly competition. No prizes—just bragging rights!

Educational Activities

  • Introduction to Shotguns
  • Introduction to Archery
  • Introduction to Long Guns
  • Introduction to Handguns

Our FREE educational programs are funded by grants through the U.S. Sport Fish Restoration Fund, the Ohio Division of Wildlife, and The Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Protection Shoot

For more information on Protection Shoots and scheduled dates, visit the Calendar page.

Trap Shoots

For more information on Trap Shoots and scheduled dates, visit the Calandar page.